Télécharger Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, by Cassandra Clare Maureen Johnson
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Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, by Cassandra Clare Maureen Johnson
Télécharger Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, by Cassandra Clare Maureen Johnson
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 652 pages
Editeur : Walker Books Ltd (15 novembre 2016)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 1406362840
ISBN-13: 978-1406362848
Dimensions du produit:
15,4 x 4,9 x 23 cm
Moyenne des commentaires client :
4.5 étoiles sur 5
4 commentaires client
Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:
526.699 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
Ce roman est fait pour les fans du monde crée par Cassandra Clare. Si vous avez adoré les tomes TMI, je vous conseille totalement ce roman. On y suit Simon Lewis, le meilleur ami de Clary, qui intègre l'école de formation des Shadowhunters. Ce roman est assez long (630 pages environ) mais je ne l'ai pas vu passer. Le personnage de Simon est adorable, je l'avais déjà adoré dans les autres romans mais alors là , ce fut le coup de foudre! Nous découvrons encore plus son côté "héro" qui n'efface pourtant pas son humour qui le caractérise si bien.Nous sommes à nouveau plongés dans le monde inventé de toutes pièces par l'auteure et je suis toujours aussi impressionnée par son écriture, très fluide et qui nous fait ressentir de nombreuses émotions.Ce roman n'est pas forcément utile mais je vous conseille fortement de le lire. (de même que le Codex)
Le livre est arrivé le jour prévu en super condition :- la 1ère et 4ème de couvertures sont impeccables- la tranche ne comporte aucune page pliée- le dos n'est ni plié ni cassé : preuve que le livre n'a jamais été lu et est bien neuf
I just love it! Like in the Bane Chronicles, it's several stories on Simon as a Shadowhunter, but through them we have clues about the others caracters (tid or tmi) which is great!
Simon Lewis a déjà bien assez vécu pour une seule vie, mais ce n'est pas fini. Après avoir découvert l'existence d'un monde caché rempli de démons, créatures surnaturelles et guerriers angéliques, être mort, puis être revenu à la vie, avant de tout oublier, il aborde une nouvelle étape de sa vie dans le monde des Chasseurs d'Ombre : celle qui lui permettra d'en devenir un. Mais il n'accomplira pas cela seul : il sera accompagné de ses amis, Clary, Isabelle, Jace, Alec, Magnus et bien d'autres.[Livre lu en VO]Pour être très franche, contrairement à beaucoup de fans de The Mortal Instruments, je n'ai jamais voué un amour particulier à Simon, bien qu'il soit très attachant. Du coup, je n'avais pas forcément prévu de lire ce livre, avant d'apprendre qu'il ne réunissait pas que des nouvelles centrées sur Simon, mais aussi sur beaucoup d'autres personnages que l'on aime, et qu'il contenait également des flashbacks avec des histoires qui nous ramènent notamment à l'époque des Origines.Et quel plaisir ce fut de retrouver tous les personages que nous avons appris à connaître au fil de la saga et qui font sa force! Et ce n'est pas tout : certaines nouvelles nous permettent d'en apprendre plus sur les personnages de The Dark Artifices (Renaissance en français). En fait, j'avais même commencé ce livre il ya plus de six mois, et en lisant la nouvelle sur Mark, j'ai complètement craqué pour lui et j'ai donc décidé de me lancer dans la nouvelle trilogie de Cassandra Clare (que je n'avais pas encore commencé à l'époque car j'étais assez sceptique). Alors évidemment, je ne regrette pas cette lecture, loin de là .Cependant elle contient quelques bémols, puisque que je vous l'ai dit, j'ai commencé ce livre il y a plus de six mois. J'avais d'abord lu les nouvelles qui m'intéressaient le plus, celles pour lesquelles j'avais acheté le livre, notamment The Midnight Heir, et puis je me suis vite lassée. Autant certaines nouvelles sont très intéressantes, autant d'autres un peu moins. Heureusement, elles font rarement plus de cent pages et sont donc assez rapides à lire, sans vraies longueurs. J'imagine que comme je ne suis pas particulièrement fan du personnage principal, je n'ai pas été très motivée pour finir ce livre.Autrement, les personnages secondaires, c'est-à -dire les amis de Simon, que l'on découvre dans ce recueil, sont très sympathiques. Les nouvelles ont un scénario généralement bien structuré, et sont écrites avec une plume très fluide. L'humour sarcastique propre à Simon est bien présent pour rendre les choses un peu plus légères, et on en apprend aussi un peu plus sur le fonctionnement de la société des Chasseurs d'Ombres, même si les informations sont assez minimes. Pour le niveau d'anglais, ne vous inquiétez pas : même si je ne le recommande pas pour commencer la lecture VO, il est tout à fait abordale pour n'importe qui ayant déjà un minimum d'expérience.En conclusion, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy est un must-read pour tous les fans de The Mortal Instruments et encore plus pour ceux de Simon, qui n'auront très certainement aucun problème avec les nouvelles sur lesquelles j'ai pu buté. On y retrouve tous les personnages des livres de la saga, et malgré ma lecture parfois laborieuse, ce fut un moment presque magique que de revoir Jem, Tessa, Will, Clary, Alec, Magnus, et de rencontrer les Blackthorn et Emma.
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy is a collection of short stories or novellas that delve deeper into the Shadow World. It follows Simon’s time at Shadowhunter Academy but is rife with additional fascinating information. Overall, it is a highly entertaining installment in the Shadowhunter Chronicles and I would definitely recommend that you read it prior to the Dark Artifices series. Please do not read this review if you have not yet read the Infernal Devices or the Mortal Instruments series as there will be plot points mentioned.The first novella is Welcome to Shadowhunter Academy, where Simon decides that he wants to become a Shadowhunter. After losing his memories, Simon must decide who he wants to be – a mundane that does not remember the Shadow World or a future Shadowhunter that may regain some of his memories. He meets a collection of students, both Shadowhunter and mundane that will be with him for the next two years as they train to become proper Shadowhunters. Although we know these characters for less time than those we’ve grown to love in the other series, they are still likable and well-developed. Over the course of the two years that the novellas take place, each character learns what it means to be a Shadowhunter, to be loyal to their friends, and to not always take the Law at face value (thanks to Simon’s incessant dialogues that Downworlders are not lesser people.) Of course, we’ve loved Simon since we met him in the Mortal Instruments but this was a great series of stories that allowed us to get to know him better (even though he was missing his memories).The second is The Lost Herondale, in which we learn more about the beliefs of the Shadowhunters. Deserting your fellow Shadowhunters is considered the worst thing that you can do – so the punishment is severe. This novella tells us the story of Tobias Herondale and shows Simon that not every story is as black and white as it may be presented. We also learn that Catarina Loss, Magnus’ friend and current teacher at Shadowhunter Academy, saved Tobias’ child – which means that there may be a lost Herondale in the world. This plot line is mentioned first in the Mortal Instruments and pursued more in the Dark Artifices, so that is one reason why I believe this series of novellas should be read prior to beginning Lady Midnight.The third is the Whitechapel Fiend, in which Tessa comes to Shadowhunter Academy to teach a lesson. It was lovely to see more of our favourite characters from the Infernal Devices, especially because this was a later period in time than the books so we got a glimpse into their future lives. The fourth is Nothing but Shadows, which chronicles James Herondale’s time at the Academy. It made me miss the Infernal Devices and impatient for the next series that Cassandra Clare will be writing featuring the children we got glimpses of.The fifth is The Evil We Love and a tale from the time of Valentine’s Circle. The Circle’s history is considered a dark time and infrequently talked about in the series. Most Shadowhunters who were involved are either ashamed of their actions and largely refuse to talk about it, or dead. It’s always fascinating to see what the power and influence of a charismatic leader can get people to do. Simon learns that he knows better than to just go along with the crowd and speaks out against ideas that he doesn’t agree with. It makes him even more likable as a character because I’m sure we all have experienced times when we disagreed with someone we cared about and how difficult it might be not to just follow their lead.The sixth is Pale Kings and Princes, which creates some foundation for the world we will experience in the Dark Artifices. We learn how Mark and Helen Blackthorn came to be, with their half-faerie lineage. It is a heart-wrenching tale and makes you question the harshness of the Cold Peace. Helen is no longer trusted, and essentially banished, because of her heritage and that action fractures her entire family – as the Blackthorn parents were murdered during the War. Helen was willing to take care of her family, but she was torn away and those kinds of wounds will certainly affect the characters of the Dark Artifices in the future.The seventh is Bitter of Tongue essentially just reiterates the point that Downworlders are not lesser beings than mundanes or Shadowhunters. We get to see more of the Blackthorn clan, the utterly repulsive treatment of the half-fae children Mark and Helen, and a lovely wedding.The eighth is The Fiery Trial, in which Simon and Clary are asked to serve at witnesses for Julian and Emma’s parabatai ceremony. The story focuses more on the relationship between Simon and Clary than Julian and Emma but it was nice to see the ceremony. Jace and Alec became parabati prior to the Mortal Instruments, so until now, we had not seen the ceremony performed. It also made Simon and Clary evaluation their own friendship and the depth of their connection.The ninth is Born to Endless Night and revolves around the beloved Malec, as well as Magnus Banes short tenure at Shadowhunter Academy. The character development shown in this novella was a culmination of Alec’s experiences throughout the Mortal Instruments and how he grew as a person. While not confident and cocky like Jace, he had become secure in his own skin and learned to love (romantically). It was the most normal of the novellas, showing a behind-the-scenes type look into the lives of our favourite Mortal Instruments characters.The final novella in the collection is Angels Twice Descending in which Simon and the other mundanes of the Academy have their Ascension. Simon must decide whether he is ready to face the risks, to give up his mundane life and embrace the dangers and responsibility of being a Shadowhunter. It was a beautiful wrap up to the series, allowing Simon the time to explore the life he was leaving behind and the family that he was gaining. As I mentioned before, I would highly recommend reading this series of novellas as it only enhances the Shadowhunter experience (and deepens the world).
I have read every one of her books. And still I go back and read them over again. This world that she has created is absolutely undeniably a world that I could live in. Perhaps that's why I read the books over and over. I also have her movies and audiobooks. And I am addicted to the TV series. Thank you Cassandra Clare for sharing the talents which you possess with others like myself.
This book should be read right after “City of heavenly fire,†as references of things to come, and things that already happened, are widely hinted at in the book. Too bad I read it years (and many Cassandra Clare books) too late.“City of heavenly fire†ends with Magnus offering to restore part of Simon’s memories, which had been given freely in exchange for Magnus’ life. Now, in “Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy,†Simon’s story continues in the decrepit Academy where he’s learning to become a Shadowhunter while desperately trying to remember everything he’s forgotten. His relationship with Isabelle is part of those lost memories, and he keeps pushing her away believing she only wants to be with him because of who he was, not who he now is.Each story told in “Tales†puts a little bit more of a chink into the holes of stories left untold, or hinted at, in past books. The story of Robert Lightwood and his former parabatai Michael, which was hinted at when Alec revealed his true self to his father, as well as how Magnus and Alec got baby Max is another example that will cause readers to get that “aha!†moment as they realize they read a little about it in a different Cassandra Clare book.What I didn’t like in “Tales†was the constant explanations, as if all the stories weren’t linked. Why do we have to endure explanations of characters and events in each story when we already know them? For example, Simon and George, his roommate, are introduced early, so it makes sense that by the fourth story we would know their relationship. Is it necessary to explain who they are, or who anyone in the Academy is, as if we hadn’t just finished reading about them in earlier stories? These types of “explanations†continue throughout each story, making them feel disjointed instead of seamless.However, true diehard Shadowhunter fans will still want to read “Tales.†It’s for these 14 and older readers that I recommend it.
When Cassandra Clare shares the authorship , I seem to like them less. The writing is disjoined and drolls on. The end was very nice and could have been wonderful. I won't risk another of these mishmash titles, although I LOVED the original series.
Although I enjoyed having a story where Simon is the central character, many of the vignettes felt disconnected from the premise of the book, which was the training of new shadow hunters. Some of these read like fan fiction; cute but they did nothing to advance the story. This book worked best when it centered around Simon and the trials he and his new friends face in the road to ascension. Loved-hated the surprise ending.
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