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Paintings in Proust, by Eric Karpeles
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Détails sur le produit
Broché: 360 pages
Editeur : Thames & Hudson Ltd; Édition : Reprint (21 septembre 2017)
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 0500293422
ISBN-13: 978-0500293423
Dimensions du produit:
15,5 x 3,6 x 23,1 cm
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When reading In Search of Lost Time/Remembrance of Things Past from my home in Baltimore Maryland, I spend a fair amount of time searching the internet or looking things up, not least of these is the frequent mention of art, music, etc. This beautiful book is the perfect companion to the many artworks referenced in Proust's text. It's not huge, it's mostly easy to navigate, and it's an interesting and different companion to Proust's masterwork. I started in one edition of the Proust and read the second volume in two different editions - the art/the story stays the same, so even if the quotes don't match exactly word for word, this book works no matter which edition you're reading, though it is based on the most widely read English edition (the Modern Library edition.) Even so, the same things happen in every edition (and this book doesn't offer page numbers, just a paragraph or few lines of text with an explainer to find the place it belongs.) In other words, this book "works" with any edition.Page numbers would have been impossible. So it really works best to read the Proust and look over to this volume when something pops up in italics or mention of art is made. Trying to go the opposite direction could be frustrating. Though the pictures are lovely and the printing is well done, the stock heavy, and for a paperback book, this is an incredibly fine volume, it is most certainly a companion to Proust's text.YMMV depending on how close to museums, how familiar with the art Proust mentions, how willing you are to move from your reading spot to the computer (or pull up the browser on your e-reader), etc. I like having someone else do the scut work so while reading I have the information at my fingertips set up in the order that it appears in the text. It's worth the cost of this one book for all it manages to add to the reading of the volumes of In Search of Lost Time.
Except for Proust's big book itself, of which it is a small mirror for convenient closeups of some very delicate parts.Usually, books about pictorial art, and sensual art in general, focus on empirical and rational facts, data and summations thereof, the alleged tangibles, concretenesses (biographical, historical, technical, etc.) relating to the assumed and verifiable situations out there in what we conventionally call objective reality where we assume the art is positioned.Proust did not neglect, spurn or denigrate any of this — just the opposite: he evidently was hyper-aware of the densities, intricacies of the always-present intractable corporeal, made so very aware with the assistance of circumstance, physical and social — but he also continuously, with exceptional persistence, resilience, with involuntary amplifications also of sensual experience in varieties not easy to bear, managed to move, maneuver, escalate on from there — as if to fulfill better and further, to charm, seduce, compel those intractable tangibles . . . toward encounter with another realm, intangible but not separate, and always there with the tangibles, continuously, persistently . . . an otherwise but obscurely familiar realm, always, it seems, permeating introspection, imagination, memory, and infusing the present via projections, like the projections of a magic lantern, to override, as the magic lantern’s play of shadow and light overrides opaque walls, curtains, doorknobs, etc., and so transforms those implacable tangibles, unyielding facts of our daily, nightly existence.We’re offered initiation, or simply the kindness of a stranger, toward a more complete view, unveiling, recognition of the uses and abuses, the performances with, of art in life, often impossibly unreasonable, illogical, and all that, melodramatic, comic, farcical and tragic, sometimes all fused together . . . Art as attempts at the re-structuring, reassembling of life, existence and its hard facts, for more congenial, desirable, enchanted and amorous conquests of the limitations and ravages of fate . . . Or at least some brief sanctuary from that perpetual flux, the large and small vicissitudinous frustrations, torments. And more often than not exceeding rationality's strictures, and with finesse provoking, flaunting the emotive arational. Or: how we do, actually, how we boldly go where we always are.The perusing reader is invited to saunter along, promenade with a very attentive amiable dandy, a hyper-perceptive flaneur, a genius with perhaps the soul of an ingénue always on the lookout for a climb up a ladder past the limitations of the sublunary real, and meander in melancholy contemplation into a gated, exclusive realm where access is not easily granted, and proper introductions do help, but where entry is not strictly determined by tangible assets . . .This is therefore a book for you, even if you’ve never read Proust.
I've been reading Marcel Proust and almost done with book one (over 1000 pages.) I think he's the greatest writer ever. I love his novel (longest ever written, in Guinness World Record, 1.28 million words.) I found this while searching for art books that I collect, and without hesitation bought it. Even the introduction is helpful to understand Proust (best writer ever, did I say that already?)Who ever put the efforts to publish it, did a great job.I strongly suggest it to any one who has 2300-2500 pages of Proust's novel, sitting on his library, and want to read it. Read it already.
The copy I received included more than a few reproductions whose color was severely distorted. Most of these bad prints were shaded red. I returned my copy and ordered another, but the replacment had the same problem. Has anyone else had this problem or was I just unlikely? Setting aside the inaccurate reproductions, this book makes an excellent companion to In Search of Lost Time.
This book has given me a new appreciation for visual art. One of the difficulties I've had appreciating visual art is that the context in which it is placed is typically historical: the art is the product of its time, of its artist, of its artistic movement, etc. While this is undoubtedly true, it cannot hold my interest. I am interested in the emotional context of the art. Obviously this is a much more difficult thing to pin down than the historical context, and is open to interpretation, and it's difficult to make a claim as to the canonical emotional interpretation of a work of art, but that is what resonates with me. What I like about this book is that it takes the emotional context of Proust, which is informed, lush, complex, and detailed, and applies it to the works of art that Proust is referencing. I know nothing about most of the works in this book, but by applying the lens of Proust to the works, I am able to gain a much deeper appreciation for them than I would have otherwise. Excellent for readers who are interested in expanding their artistic horizons.
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